Welcome to Midwest Energy!

Message From our ceo

Dear Member,

I welcome you as a new member of Midwest Energy. We value our relationship with you, and we appreciate your business. Midwest Energy is a customer-owned electric and natural gas cooperative. Everyone who receives service from Midwest Energy is also an owner. That means you have a voice in the governance of your company. Every fall you will receive a ballot in the mail and have the opportunity to vote for your Board of Directors.

You also build up equity in your cooperative in the form of capital credits. Each year the company shows a margin (profit), you are assigned a portion of that margin based on your use of our services. That margin is returned to you over a 20-year period. In 2024 alone, nearly $5.2 million was returned to our customer-owners.

Again, it is my pleasure to welcome you as a new customer-owner of Midwest Energy. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-222-3121 for more information.

Pat Parke
Chief Executive Officer