Board of Directors Elections

The business and affairs of Midwest Energy are managed by a nine-member Board of Directors, who serve three-year terms of office.  This Board exercises all of the powers of the Corporation, except those by law or by the articles of incorporation of the Corporation or the bylaws are reserved to the members.

Qualifications and Responsibilities 

To be nominated as a Director, one must be a member of Midwest Energy residing in and receiving retail natural gas or electric service in the district for which one is nominated for a minimum of one year.  Place of residence shall be defined as where a member is registered to vote and spends most of one's time.

Director nominees also may not in any way be employed by, or financially interested in, a competing enterprise or a business selling natural gas or electricity.

The policy with a complete listing of director qualifications is available here.  The policy regarding duties responsibilities can be found here. Nominations for the 2024 elections are due no later than July 5, 2024.

Director Positions in the following Districts will be voted upon during the following years:

2024 2025
District 3 District 1
District 4 District 3
District 5 District 5

District Map

District Map

Election Balloting

All Directors shall be elected by secret ballot, mailed to each member in September prior to the Annual Meeting of the Members.  Ballots shall contain biographical information on each of the candidates, an official ballot, and a business reply envelope for members to return their marked ballots.  Tabulation and certification is performed by an independent third party.

Submitting a Nomination

Nominations for Board positions can happen in two ways.  First, a member can submit one's name to the nominating committee, using the nomination form below. 

Alternately, candidates may also be nominated by petition with signatures from fifty members. The nomination petition form and application can be found here. This policy outlines the nomination by petition process.

Nomination Form

Basic Information
These days include monthly board meetings, annual board retreat planning sessions, and educational opportunities throughout the year. Board members are encouraged to attend educational workshops and meetings in addition to regular board meetings.
Please list two business references with contact name and phone number.
Please list two personal references with contact name and phone number.
By submitting this application I hereby certify that I have reviewed the qualifications to be a member of the Board of Directors of Midwest Energy, Inc. and I meet all of the said qualifications.